Monday, June 29, 2009

Whew...It's been a while

There isn't much to update from my Birthday update. We went to Williamsburg, Washington DC, and had a wonderful time. The kids got to ride the subway for the first time.

I got to see the new WWII memorial

and the Korean War memorial.

Those were absolutely awesome.

The kids also got to watch the changing of the guard at Arlington and then we went up to Fort Myers and saw the Caisson Barn.

Cassie got her picture taken with Sgt. York (he is the horse that carried President Reagan's empty boots during his funeral). She loved it.

We spent a day at Busch Gardens and a day at Water Country. Both were a lot of fun. There obviously aren't any pictures of us at the water park, but here is our family picture from Busch Gardens.

Well, that is the update for today. We had a great vacation and the kids can't wait to go back to DC. I can't wait to take them back to see the Capital and the White House.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Not Me Monday!!! (On Wednesday!!)

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

As I can't remember what I did on Monday or Tuesday...I will let you know what I did not do Birthday...

I did not get up at 6:00 a.m. to tell my husband goodbye and then go right back to bed when he left leaving our children (who got up WAY too early) to watch TV while I tried to sleep a little longer.

I did not wait till the last minute to throw every swimsuit I own in the laundry so I would have a clean one to wear to the pool with Jeannette today.

I most certainly did not tell my children that the only thing I wanted from them today (as it was my Birthday) was for them to get along, not fight, and no WHINING!!!!

AND I DID NOT GO TO THE GYM AT 5:30 TO TAKE A FIGHT/AEROBICS CLASS WITH MY BFF and I am definitely not questioning that friendship right now as I am tired, sore, and feeling every one of my 33 years.


Just wait...yours is coming!!!!!