Thursday, May 28, 2009

Williamsburg Bound!!

Cassie is ready to go! She has the dress and everything!!

Our family vacation this year is not the beach...instead we have decided to expose the kids to some historical "culture". They are very excited about going. I haven't been to Williamsburg since a 5th grade field trip.We are also going to go to DC for a day to let them see the monuments and hopefully the Smithsonian museums. They are especially excited about the Museum of Natural History since "Night at the Museum 2" is out.

I will hopefully update and submit pictures from vacation. We aren't leaving for another week so there won't be any Williamsburg update till then.
Have a great day!!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Happy Memorial Day!!!

I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day and remembered why we have it. Thank you to our troops who have fought to give us the right to have the freedoms we have.

Yesterday I spent the day with my mom shopping the sales at Belk and Express. Well, Express got to see us but didn't see any money from us. The deals at Belk were too GOOD to shop anywhere else. THANKS MOM!!!

The kids stayed with Don while mom and I were out. They played Wii, board games, put a jigsaw puzzle together, and Lord only knows what else. They always have fun when mom isn't around (or so I have been told). In fact I was asked when they get to go fishing and swimming at Dad's Lake house.

They haven't even been out of school for a full two days and they are in full summer mindset already!!!They are wanting to stay up late and get up whenever. Honestly, that suits me just fine....well the getting up whenever.

We have 10 days until we leave for Williamsburg, Va. I can't wait. Cassie has her colonial dress ready to wear. Jacob said he refused to wear the (oh what was the word?) girly clothing of that era. HA HA HA HA HA!!!

Well, for today Luke has returned to work. I suppose for a whole day...I guess we will see. He is still complaining of head pain. He understands and I do too that he is going to hurt, but he is ready to wake up and not have a headache. I am praying that it is just normal pain and that there isn't anything wrong. I have asked that he go get another CT scan, but (being male and being medically knowledged) he hasn't managed to make it to or ask to be taken to a facility that can do that. I ask about every 4-6 hrs or whenever he says his head hurts and he either says..."No, I am gonna hurt, but I am ready for it to stop" or "I don't know."

I give up. I guess he'll go when he feels like it. Well, that's it for this morning. I am going to read my Bible and do the study I started, eat breakfast, check out the Wii Active (I got as early birthday from Mom), and then get ready to go to the gym with Jeannette for Attack.

Everyone have a GREAT DAY!!!! Hope it's Sunny

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Only by the Grace of God

Needless to say my week last week was not one of the best. What most of you don't know is that after all the other crap that went on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, Thursday added not only the whipped cream, but the cherry to my week.

At night, to avoid repeated interruptions in my sleep and my husbands sleep I set my phone to ring only. That way I am not hearing beep, beep, beep when emails, text messages, and whatever else is sent to my blackberry arrives. That being said I didn't change anything about my routine Wednesday night prior to closing my eyes. Why would I?...I had just hung up the phone with my hubby who was out of town and headed back the next morning. 7:30 my phone was Luke...
"Did you not get my text?"
Me: "No"
Luke:" I was in a wreck this morning"
Me (interrupting): "Are you hurt?"
Luke: "Yes..I am at Crisp Co. Hospital"
Me: " I am on my way"
Luke: OK

OK now the kids are still at home, I have not had a shower, and I am starting to scream at them to go to Ms. Keisha's house.

Ever lost your mind first thing in the morning? I did Thursday morning.

Well, I managed to get the kids out the door with lunches in hand, get a shower, call Mark (Luke's brother who used to work in South Georgia for FEMA), and get out the door in less than 30 minutes. New record for me!!!

I managed to get a cup of coffee and a muffin at Starbucks on Main Street too. And can you believe the guy at the counter...He asked if I wanted whipped cream....UH, YEAH!!! and Whole milk...Oh, and while your at it throw in an extra shot of Espresso...I have a LONG drive. Now, this may seem like an unnecessary stop to some of you, but I needed something to eat as I didn't get it on my way out the door and I thought the caffeine and sugar would help my nerves a little. No such luck.

Well, I managed to make it through rush hour traffic and head south to exit 102 (I live at 290 so that is like 188 miles, roughly 2.5-3 hrs with no traffic) I made it in the allotted time of no traffic. Yes, I did get stopped for speeding, but I think I have an out and the Supervisor of the officer that pulled me over is investigating the situation. (I will post on that tomorrow or Tuesday when I get my answer).

I arrived at Crisp Co. Hospital (no thanks to the officer that stopped me) to find my husband with a black eye, 8 stitches in the left side of his head, road rash on the left side of his face, shoulder, and blood everywhere. Talk about thankful. He looked bad, but he was alive, talking, and walking in his trauma room. The workman's comp/DOT compliance lady from his office arrived the same time I did, but that is another post too. I managed to get him settled, stitched some more (he had pulled a large piece of glass out of his cheek and that needed stitches too) 3 more to be exact on his left cheek. Ice packs applied to the face seemed to help with the pain. The hospital said that all of the x-rays, and CT scans were clear. They didn't see any broken bones, or a concussion.

We left the hospital grabbed a bite of lunch at Mickey D's and headed to see the vac truck and collect what we could of his personal belongings. When we arrived at the wrecker service to see the truck I almost lost my composure. The following is what I saw.

I don't know how my husband got out of that alive, but he did and I praise Jesus for it. Luke said that he had started to doubt that he was going to make it out as he was skidding across I-75 Northbound. I can't tell you how sobering it is to actually see the damage that is on that truck and to think that only 3 weeks ago I was in the passenger seat of that truck coming home from Houston.

Now to answer the BIGGER question you are asking....WHAT HAPPENED? Apparently, as Luke was coming up I-75 North around exit 82 there is a rest stop. A white Ford minivan was starting to come up the on ramp as Luke approached the on ramp. Luke was traveling approx 65 mph in the right hand lane and the minivan(traveling approx 30 mph) decided that they were going to just enter the interstate without using the acceleration lane. They just hung a left on the interstate in front of Luke. Luke said his first thought was OMG if I hit them they are dead and he made as smooth a transition as he could to the right to use the acceleration lane as his "out". Then the idiot driving the minivan, either 1) realized what they had done 2) was on the phone or 3) had a death wish, pulled back right and slammed on their brakes (right in front of Luke again). This caused Luke to have to make a HARD left hand swerve to miss hitting them for the second time. Luke was loaded with water from the EFR (don't know what this is) he was doing in Tifton, and weighed approx 60,000 lbs. The water due to the right hand turn and then the hard left hand turn surged, caused the back tires to blow out and the vac-truck to tip to the left thus causing the above picture.

The people in the minivan did NOT stop. They kept driving. If they only understood that by Luke's evasive maneuvers they are still alive.

Anyway, 2 other truck drivers stopped to help Luke and told him they had no idea how he managed not to hit/run over that minivan. (I was by the Grace of God that he didn't kill those people or himself) They even stayed after the ambulance took Luke to the hospital to give their statements to GSP, local police, and motor vehicle compliance officers. Due to the generosity of those drivers my husband has no charges, no fault, and nothing on his record. Usually a roll over like this is faulted to the driver due to excessive speed, or careless driving. None of which Luke was doing. He was under the speed limit, under weight for the truck, and the only reason he had to move out of his lane of travel was the idiot in the minivan.

I did manage to get him home after the review of what happened and it has been a long weekend.

Luke is bruised but not broken, in pain but not dead. It will be several days/weeks before he is back to remotely normal and I don't think I'll ever sleep well again when he is out of town on a job.

For those of you who knew and prayed...Thank you

For those who didn't and just said a word of praise...Thank you.

It is a good reminder that God has met us in our deepest need....just as we need him the most. God is always with us....his timing is always perfect. It is amazing the calm that I felt when I heard Luke's voice on the phone on my way to him. God was saying to me that even though he is hurt...he is alive...even though I am not right there....HE is. Thank you Jesus for being the steady rock on which I can lean and stand. Thank you for giving me peace in times of turmoil.

My weakness is your strength. My faith is small, but your are GREAT!!! I can do all things ( can go through anything) through Christ who strengthens me.

Have a great Memorial Day!!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

How do you become a bigger person?

I know I promised pictures and updates on our barn, but a situation brewing in my in-law family has me asking the title of this blog.

How am I supposed to be a bigger/better person? I am so angry right now and so sad at the same time. The pettiness of people is starting to rub off on me. I wished yesterday for someone to lose their job to teach them a lesson. What kind of person does that?

I asked my husband to keep equipment that we didn't pay for (it belongs to his brother) and use it for leverage to get keep something Matthew said we could have.

Luke is doing a great job of keeping a cool head and trying to figure out how to be a bigger person and I am not doing so well. I have absolutely lost my marbles on this one.

I am studying my Bible to try to figure out how to be a bigger person in the current situation, but not finding the right verse to calm my gut. I do remember my pastor saying this past Sunday that I shouldn't trust my heart cause it is evil and will deceive me. (Hopefully this applies to everyday life and not just choosing a life long mate).

My flesh is so weak right now and I want to be very UGLY!!! and trust me I can be UGLY. At times my ugliness is a lot more apparent than not, but I have also found it is the little things I do and say that cut deeper than the large things that are most obvious.

Yesterday Psalm 63:3 said "Because your steadfast love is greater than life, my lips will praise you"

I did a decent job of trying to praise God in the storm yesterday. Fell off the boat after dark last night, but I am trying to stay afloat today.

Proverbs 20:22 says "Do not say "I will repay evil"; wait for the Lord, and he will deliver you"

Father God deliver me from this cause I don't know how to be a bigger and better person without you!!!

If you are reading this please pray for me and for my in-laws. There is a large canyon between everyone right now and I am not sure how the gap will be bridged on this one. It is going to take apologies and forgiveness from everyone involved and everyone (I mean everyone) is going to have to swallow a little crow on this.


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Hope to make a new post soon.

Hello All!! I have been so busy with the end of school for me and now for the kids. I have lots of new photos to post with stories and information on our whole family. Jacob and Cassie are doing great in school and I am finished for the summer. I passed the spring semester and will be returning in the fall for the FINAL SEMESTER!!!! YEA!!

Can't wait. It has been nice to have time off though. My house is slowly getting in order and I am back in the gym and exercising again. It is good to see the scale going back down instead of up. I am still below my initial goal of 150, but closer to that goal than I would like to be. Oh Well, we can't all stay at the weight we want all the time.

I will hopefully post a longer post with pictures this afternoon.