OK. Well I am on top of things tonight. Don't plan on it the rest of the week though...I have finals this week and the first two days of next week.
Last weekend the kids and I along with Mom, Don, and Luke went to Tybee Island for a long weekend. It was a nice break for me with school and I had an absolutely wonderful time with my family. We got to see all of Don's family that lives in Savannah and hang out with them on Saturday night. I love seeing all of them.
We arrived on Friday and the kids immediately wanted to go out to the water. I took pictures and here they are. I hope you enjoy seeing them as much as I had taking them. My kids are hillarious.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
As Promised...The Beach
Posted by ~Ashley~ 1 comments
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Thursday Thirteen....
Well , I have been really behind on keeping up with this so here is my list for this week. Maybe I will be able to get it up weekly since school is almost over.
1. I am finally finished with clincal hours
2. I have had a great time in clinical.
3. I got to spend time with my brother and his wife Jen.
4. I am going to the beach on Friday (CANNOT WAIT)
5. I miss my husband
6. I miss my best friend (she is in New Orleans eating shrimp YOU DOG)
7. I love all the blogs I am reading.
8. I want to know how to have cool pictures on my blog
9. The kids start school in 2 weeks
10. We have bought new bookbags for the school year.
11. I am driving myself to the beach (Luke is already there for a job)
12. I can't wait to have a normal life
13. Brad and Jen (my brother and his wife) are having a boy. Check out their blog to see the proof.
Posted by ~Ashley~ 0 comments
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
As promised...
Here are the pictures from Sunday. I don't have any of Jen (she was camera happy too), but here is my GOOFY brother.
Posted by ~Ashley~ 1 comments
Monday, July 21, 2008
Well...OK I am trying
OK so I started this with good intentions. Sorry it has been so long. I don't have any real updates other than I am swamped with Care plans, tests, and deadlines. I am going to the beach this upcoming weekend and hopefully I will have a chance to get some pictures up.
Yesterday my brother and his wife came by the house. They were in Atlanta for a baseball game and on their way home stopped by for lunch. We had a great time. I have pictures to post, but I haven't loaded them on the computer yet. I will get them up by the end of the week hopefully. HA HA HA
I hope everyone is doing well and I will post later.
Posted by ~Ashley~ 0 comments
Saturday, July 5, 2008
A great 4th...
I hope everyone had a great 4th of July. The kids and I came home on Thursday night instead of Friday morning and we have had a wonderful time being home. I only have 1 more month of school and then the fall semester starts on August 20. I am very excited (hopefully). I am working really hard on my school requirements and my clinicals. This has really turned out to be sort of a challenge. Being away from my husband and my house and the work that is required is very difficult. Please keep praying for me and my family as this journey continues.
Posted by ~Ashley~ 0 comments
Friday, July 4, 2008
Posted by ~Ashley~ 0 comments
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Cassie and Jacob's Hair Salon and Spa.....

Posted by ~Ashley~ 0 comments
OK so I am a week behind again.
Colton swimming like a fish. GO COLE!!!
Nona and Savannah just hanging out
Savannah's not sure she likes the water.
Posted by ~Ashley~ 0 comments