In an effort to spend more time together as a family Luke and I bought bikes and helmets yesterday. I was all excited about hanging out with my children and husband. We got home and rode around the neighborhood. It was fun and the kids had a great time. I don't think I have had that much exercise in a while. It felt good. Well....I thought it felt good.
I didn't realize how unpadded the seat was until round 2 later in the evening. My back end was sooooooo sore. Now, I have been sore from riding horses too long, but this was a different kind of hurt. I went on the second ride, but I am telling you I don't think there will be any riding for me today. HA HA HA HA
In fact, Cassie informed me this morning that she, Jacob, and Luke were going later and I was allowed to go with them, but I could stay here. Staying here sounds like a good idea. I have laundry and dishes to do. It is the first time that I think doing laundry and dishes out ranks going outside. Maybe Monday I can make it out to go around the block.
Hello world!
3 years ago
Girl, I can totally relate. We rode bikes on the silver comet trail in the spring and I thought i was going to die b/c my rear end hurt so bad!!
Fun times!!
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